groundwork club

our specialty

We build brands, instill calm and design spaces

for soulful creatives.

We believe that you can create a brand you’re obsessed with, that burnout is not the only way - or the right way, that you can step off that creative hamster wheel and stop chasing empty milestones void of pleasure.

We want work to feel like play, we want your brand to feel like the most soulful version of yourself, and your life to be the calmest and coolest version it can be.

We’re here to help you do the Groundwork, literally - cue candle crackling

Exhale and step into the most relaxing consulting experience.

You’re done trying to keep up with trends or create more of the same — and you need a little courage to help you do something different

We're here to help you develop and deploy a big-agency brand, without the factory feel.

Brand Strategy

The Deep Tissue Massage

brand identity

The Scrub

brand deployment

The Full Body Wrap

pamper sessions

The ultimate Brand Audit

the calm ceo

Group Coaching Program

1:1 consulting

The Clarifying Facial

explore the brand spa

check the menu

Design a life you are obsessed about and find your inner calm.

You’re anti-hustle, but not anti-hard work, ready to do the right things, not all the things

Here, we believe that taking time to center yourself is a cornerstone for growth, and we want to help you do just that.

the cleanse

Self-paced course
A 6-week roadmap to calm

the calm box

Your CEO calm kit, because
self care is self love

the calm home

Intentional spaces ignite calm
Bespoke interior styling and decor

find your inner calm

coming soon

groundwork is for you if you want

It's never too late

to rewrite your


rebuild your


or reignite 



A tailored strategy that doesn't look like

A brand identity that feels aligned

to you

An intentional business roadmap

with soul

A simplified life full of


book a free call



Dive In

exhale. lean back.

We hop on a consultation call, map out our journey together, set our scope of work and identify our goals. This first step is needed in all packages to establish the foundation. 



Let's do the groundwork together. After we agree on our treatment plan, we can begin the process to craft a seamless, tailored and high-touch solution for you and your brand. 



We dive in and the spa experience begins. We research, we design, we iterate until we find the most blissful version of our project so you and your biz can relax and feel pampered.  



We bring it all together, review all your touchpoints and design an intentional implementation strategy that feels good to you, from a place of calm and alignment.

this is a safe space.

Calm is new cool

As creatives, we often feel the pressure to be in constant evolution. Always onto the next thing, always in go-mode, always on. What if there was another way?

Come in, the water’s warm. Light a candle, grab a hot beverage and get cozy! At Groundwork, we want to show you there’s a different way to do it. We want to teach you how to reconnect to your vision and craft a brand that’s aligned, intentional and soulful as fuck. 

I'm in






The results you're going to get:

FIND CALM AND stillness in your business - and your life

craft an intentional brand like based on truth - not trends

cultivate intentionality at work, at home and in your heart


dig deep within and unearth your
true 'why'

Free Free Free

What if your brand was calm, cool and collected? If you want to create a brand that feels good to you - and the world, get my brand identity freebie and start crafting the most soulful brand ever.

gimme the goods